Demonstrated Interest, what is it, and how to get it done in the middle of a pandemic.

If you’re a Junior or Senior in the college exploration/application process, you know first hand that the pandemic has made a challenging process even more challenging!

Exploring colleges and putting yourself on THEIR RADAR is very important. By connecting, you make them aware that you are truly interested and not just considering them as a back-up. This process is called showing ‘Demonstrated interest’. In the ‘old’ days, this meant driving to the campus, taking a tour, and possibly meeting with a member of the admissions team. So how, exactly, does one accomplish this task while social distancing and dealing with colleges that are on lockdown?

It’s actually quite simple. From the comfort of your own home, google the name of the college and the word ‘visit’. It’s miraculous! At your fingertips, you’ll be led to the admissions page of the college, where you’ll find a number of opportunities to connect and learn more. Colleges are offering tours, general information sessions, program specific information sessions, open houses, student panel discussions and more. So, take the time to check out your colleges online - it’s amazing how much you can learn.

I tell my students to engage with EVERY COLLEGE they are considering as it’s important to keep all of your options open until you have that letter (or email) of acceptance in hand.

It's not just a matter of learning about a particular school, it’s also about woohing them! Let’s face it, just like people, Colleges want to be wanted! So use this as an opportunity to connect and make sure they know YOU are interested in THEM.


Applying to College? It's time to AUDIT your Social Media Account!


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