How Many Colleges Should I apply to?

Developing a well thorough and balanced College List is a critical step in the college exploration and selection process. In recent years, the ease of application has translated to students applying to a greater number of Colleges. In Theory, casting a wide net might seem like a good idea, however, in reality it makes the process more complicated and the final decisions very confusing!

Collegemind recommends that students do the work upfront. Start with a broad list of colleges that interest you, and educate yourself about the programs, opportunities, and overall fit - AT THE START of your process. At Collegemind, we work with students to develop a 'COLLEGE CRITERIA' list, which solidifies your personal vision of a college. In doing so, you create a logical and methodical means for finding a school that meets all of your needs.

Then, as you visit colleges, virtually or in person, you'll gain additional pieces of information to help make informed decisions. From that point, you’ll be able to reduce your list to fewer than 10 schools (target is 8) that represent a balance of 'Likely' (we don't believe in 'Safety'), 'Target', and 'Reach' colleges.

Collegemind can help you determine your 'COLLEGE CRITERIA' and develop and streamline your College list. Contact us to set up a complimentary consultation! We look forward to hearing from you and helping you through the process.


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