Applying to College? It's time to AUDIT your Social Media Account!

Let's face it, students love posting pictures of themselves socializing with friends, making fish lips, and maybe even holding the telltale SOLO cup. Perhaps, in moments of lapsed good judgement, there's even a crazy Tic-toc video with some not-so-positive music playing in the background. While we know all students have these 'moments' in high school, unfortunately the consequences can be significant if viewed by a college admissions officer.

Here at Collegemind Counseling, we recommend that all students take the time to clean-up their social media accounts BEFORE submitting any college application. Be mindful that what you post, or don't post, reflects on how you are perceived. Ask yourself, "Does this post show the world who I am and how I want to be viewed?" If it doesn't, time to take it down!

See the attached article from Very Well Family for tips on the clean-up. How to Clean-up Your Social Media before Applying to College


The New York Times: The Angst of Applying to College in a Deeply Anxious Year.


Demonstrated Interest, what is it, and how to get it done in the middle of a pandemic.