Applications Complete? Time to look for the MONEY

Your applications are finally complete and you've hit the SUBMIT button. Now the waiting game begins. Take some time to relax and revel in your achievement! Catch up with your friends and make sure you're staying on top of your senior classes. Remember, you will need to submit interim and end of year grades to colleges, so be sure you stay on your game!

What's next? NOW is the time to think about how you will fund your education. Completing the FAFSA (Free Application for Financial Student Aide) (see BLOG below 9/29), as well as the CSS Profile (for private institutions) is the first step. Next? It's time to look for FREE money. Yes, there are many opportunities to access scholarships, just for being who you are doing what you do well! There are thousands of scholarships available, you just need to do some research to find them.

First, check with your high school counseling office to find out where they post local scholarships. The competition for these scholarships is generally pretty light, so spend the time applying for all that are a match for you. Once you've exhausted all of the local possibilities, it's time check out regional and national scholarships. The following article outlines how to find scholarships and grants beyond those offered through your high school. Take the time and apply for as many as possible - you'll thank yourself later! Good Luck!

How to Pay for College Link to US News & World Report




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