How should I respond to the Common Ap COVID Question??

If you've started your Common Application, you've seen this additional question in the mix. The 'COVID question', provides students with the opportunity to share information about how COVID may have negatively impacted them. We all know that the past seven months have been a challenge, so, how should you respond?

This question arose last week at the IECA (Independent Educational Consultant's Association) National Conference. College representatives and counselor participants came up with the following questions to help guide your response. (see below)

In Summary, you want to make sure that you're sharing UNIQUE situations or issues that arose due to the virus. This might look like family job loss, loss of a loved one, or the inability to access an education due to internet connectivity or quiet space. Refrain from sharing subjects such as boredom, cancellation of clubs, family events etc. Also, be mindful not to repeat information that is covered in other sections of your Common Application.

The questions below are a great way to reflect on the COVID question. If you are unsure, reach out to us, we'd be happy to chat and provide support.

1. Are my experiences different from others?

2. Am I aware of my privileges?

3. Am I complaining or explaining?

4. Am I being specific?

5. Am I being repetitive?


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