Does Your College Choice Impact your Job/Earning Potential?

December 17, 2020 U.S. News & World Report explores how college choice can impact student’s earning potential. At the age of 17 or 18, future earnings is usually not a primary consideration for student’s, as they work to develop their College Criteria List. With college tuition on the rise, consideration of potential income becomes increasingly important. Students and parents should evaluate the cost of individual institutions against the students’ future earning potential. While this analysis might take some time, it’s worth exploring. There are wide variables in college costs and the benefits vary greatly. In some cases, paying a premium tuition for a particular college or program will result in a higher return on investment, but not always! See the full article to explore how to further assess the cost of a degree, along with typical earnings and debt outcomes. U. S. News & World Report: How Your College Choice Can Affect Job Prospects


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