Celebrate International Women’s Day

March 8, 2021 - Adapted from https://www.internationalwomensday.com/About

International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity.

The path to women's equality has been long and challenging, and here are some reasons why. Each stage provided an important focus in forging the gender agenda further along. As a society, we’ve moved through Activism, Feminism, a push to Fix the women, Change the organization, and identify Men as Allies. Now, the world expects inclusivity!

Gender-related conversations and activity are certainly on the rise. Back in 2017 and 2018, "International Women's Day" was the most discussed topic on Facebook by millions (even more than the Super Bowl). Pantone's color of the year in 2018 was purple (i.e. women's color). Everywhere, gender is on the mainstream radar and impacting the narrative. Stereotypes and bias are more likely to be called out. Men's role in society is more varied and gender roles are fluid.

We are moving to a very exciting time in history where the world now "expects" equity, diversity and inclusion. The world notices its absence and celebrates its presence. Step back over the years - the world was invited to show their support for women's equality, for example in 2016, though people worldwide being invited to #PledgeforParity and develop an inclusive mindset. Then in 2017, the world was asked to #BeBoldforChange and identify tangible action to help accelerate gender parity. 2018 saw a massive #PressforProgress as the world stepped forward to push the boundaries and go beyond in achieving greater equality for women. In 2019, groups continued to play a critical role in helping forge a more gender-balanced world as we worked towards a #BalanceforBetter. 2020, amidst the pandemic, saw an important wave of collective individualism as we all strived to be #EachforEqual - because an equal world is an enabled world. And now, it's up to all of us to #ChooseToChallenge and consistently commit to calling out inequity.

Key things to REMEMBER:

  • An alert world is a challenged world

  • From challenge comes change

  • The rise of women is not about the fall of men

  • Everyone can play a role in forging gender parity

  • Gender balance is not solely a women's issue, but also an economic issue

  • Advocacy, inclusive mindsets and tangible action are needed from all

Much Progress has been made!

  • Many societies have moved on from women having to succeed in a man's world

  • Stereotypes are being challenged and diverse representation of women is more evident

  • There is still a continuing need worldwide for more progressive mindsets and inclusive behaviors to be forged

  • Collectively everyone everywhere can strive for women's equality and continue to make positive gains


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